Thursday, September 17, 2015

What am I Waiting for?

LISTEN WHILE READING                   OMG three great song to listen 

DONE WITH THAT ONE? NEXT ONE     to quietly as you read! Gotta  

BUT THIS ONE IS GREAT TOO                       love technology!!  

LAST ONE                                                

I'm waiting for something. 
I wish I knew what that something was. 
I just know there's got to more to life than going to school and work. 
Work is frustrating because I am anything but a people person. I don't really enjoy talking to people. I used to when I was younger. But then I realized that the older I got, the more people judged me. If you just keep your head down and keep quite it's much easier to go unnoticed. Easier to avoid judgment. So, having to deal with 100's of people a day gets...stressful.  
School is boring, and I haven't learned anything new so far. It is actually really frustrating paying for classes that are a joke. I just want to learn about things that I care about. Not even that, I just want to learn things that aren't taught to a second grader. I want to write about subjects that make people uncomfortable. I want to compete with others for the highest grade. I want to be challenged. 
In high school I knew this kid who would sleep through every single one of his classes. I asked him one day why he was so tired all the time. But he told me that he didn't sleep in class because he
was tired. He slept in class because there was absolutely no reason why he needed to be there other than the fact that he needed a good attendance grade. I, of course, pointed my nose up and assumed that he was just some dumb delinquent that was probably going to fail the class. That next week the boy slept right through all of his classes as usual. I was curious about what he had scored on the end of the week exam so I glanced at his paper when our teacher handed them out. Get this, he scored 100%. It wasn't an easy assignment, either. He ended up passing the class with an A.
I never really understood it until now. I am almost 100% positive that I could sleep through all of my current classes and still manage to pass my classes with a B or higher. 
I know it's only one semester and I shouldn't be complaining...but I am so bored. I can't even handle it. I'm ready to go ahead and start a career. I'm tired of doing assignments that in the end mean nothing. They are things that as soon as they are graded I will be throwing away. 
I want to have a deadline to meet. I want to make a difference to something that matters. Not just another student that is about to have another paper graded. 
I want to do math problems that take up an entire page. I want to debate real issues. I want to write poetry that makes people cry. 
I guess I do know what I am waiting for. 
I am waiting for some kind of reason to be here. 

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