Monday, September 28, 2015

Random Things That Bug The Hell Out of Me

1.) Going to the library before class to try to get homework done and realizing every single computer is taken. Then realizing that half the kids on the computers are playing games or scrolling through Facebook. 

2.) People who wear tall Nike sock with Vans shoes. Both brands cost exactly the same. SO WHY WOULD YOU NOT BRAND MATCH?! 

3.) New kids at work that don't listen to their older coworkers. For example: There's a new lady at work that calls for a mangers opinion about every 5 minutes. At my job, our bosses are anyone that has worked there longer than you. We do that so that we aren't constantly bugging our important managers with stupid little things. Anyway, so this dumb freaking lady had a question about coupons. She didn't ask me about it, but I overheard her. I turned around and told her the date on the coupons..and get this, she looks me strait in the eye and picks up our speaker phone and calls a manager over. (THIS BITCH) Our manger, who looks pissed, comes over and tells her exactly what I told her. That got me...that got me bad. 

4.) People who think only that their opinion is correct. Nothing is more irritating than a close minded person. 

5.) Rolling backpacks. I don't know why it bugs me..but it does. 
Okay, the one in my picture is actually pretty cool...but in general, they're gross. 

6.) People who classify themselves as 'bisexuals.' I believe in pansexuals. (In case you didn't know what that is, its someone who falls in love with a person no matter what their gender. They don't choose which gender they love, they just fall in love with who they fall in love with.) Anyways, I don't believe in bisexuals because I think it's a cowardly way of saying gay or strait. They don't want to choose what they are. YOU DON'T GET BOTH YOU GREEDY PEOPLE! Oh and if you're a 13 year old. and you think you're bisexual, you're probably not. Wait until you're about 20, then feel free to classify whatever you are. You're young, wait a bit to officially put yourself in a category. 

7.) People who think that the song "All About That Bass" is a skinny shaming song. Even if it is, get
the Hell over it. We have ONE song. ONE song about bigger girls being beautiful . There are about a million other song about how guys only want girls with slim waists. And you're skinny, you don't get to complain. 

8.) Guys who think that their opinion about abortion is the only one that matters. In retrospect, girls can feel that way, not boys. 

9.) People who don't respect the saying, "My Body, My Choice." This sort of covers a lot of things.

10.) CHILDREN ARE NOT THEIR PARENTS POSSESSIONS. I knew this 12 year old girl who cut off a few strands of her hair, and because of that, her mother cut off all of the girl's hair. She didn't speak to anyone for months. CHILDREN ARE NOT THEIR PARENTS POSSESSIONS! You do not own your children. You are responsible for them. You do not OWN them as human beings. You do not get to choose who they are or what they become. 

11.) Nicki Minaj...just in general.

12.) Vladimir Putin. What an asshole. 

13.) People who don't like something simply because it's popular. 
If you like it, then admit you like it. It's popular because it's good. I thought we were done with hipsters...but apparently not. 

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