Monday, September 21, 2015

The Coolest Birthday Gift ever

So, my friend is turning twenty on the 22nd of September. 
I went on Amazon to try to find a good gift to get him, but I couldn't find anything that really stood out. 
Anyone that knows me knows that my birthday gifts have to be unique. 

Here's some examples:

I guess this one isn't that unique, I just thought it was a cool gift.

Anyways, yeah! 
I like my gifts to be unique and personal. 
I usually don't do the whole gift card thing.
 It feels so impersonal. 
Back to my friends birthday on the 22nd. 
So, I was scrolling through Amazon and I couldn't find anything really cool and unique.
 I ended up buying light up drum sticks because he plays the drums. 
I, however, wasn't very pleased with that gift, so I started thinking of other things I could do. 
I thought about filling his room with balloons, but that required permission. 
After the balloon idea I came up with an idea that I thought was really cool! 
I was going to make him a video with people from all around the world telling him happy birthday! 
COOL??? NO???YES?? IDK, tell me what you think. 
Anyways, I messaged people that I knew from Facebook and other social media apps asking them to send me in videos of them saying happy birthday from where ever they happened to be! 
I have people from England, 
a model from California,
 a Lieutenant from North Carolina, 
a movie director from Florida,
 a Major General from Abui Dhabi, 
a band from Phoenix, 
an actor from New Zealand, 
and some other people randomly scattered about. 
I'm actually really proud of this video! 
I am also so grateful that so many people responded to my message! Especially the military! It blew my mind!  
I hope he likes the video. It was free, but it still took effort. 
It's the thought that counts, right? Happy birthday from around the globe? 
That's it! Just thought I'd share this because I thought it was a pretty cool idea! 

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