Thursday, September 3, 2015

No Offense

Who Are You?

Who are you?
Out of all the stupid questions in the world, this one is the worst.
 Every year we are asked to write about, 'who we are.' Why do I loath this annual assignment so much? Well, first of all, who I am has nothing to do with how I learn or how I should be acting in a classroom environment. You should never let personal things get in the way of your school work. Second of all, teachers every year constantly ask us this question, but in reality, no one gives a damn about 'who you are.' We are all just trying to get through class. We don't want to know about your pet rock. Finally, who we are changes every damn week. Expecting a college student to be the same person two weeks in a row is almost laughable. Still need some convincing about why this question is even dumber than Donald Trump's view's on immigration? Not only am I forced to, but I would be happy to go into more detail.  

Who I am has nothing to do with my learning ability.
 ADHD is...well distracting (HA GET IT?!), but it is no ones problem but my own. It effects no one but myself. So what does sharing this fact with twenty other people do? I'll tell you what it does, NOTHING. Writing this issue down on paper won't help me, the teacher, or anyone around me. People aren't going to change anything to help someone with a problem that 11 percent of America has. (Kimberly Holland, Elsbeth Riley, Healthline) Knowing that I own a Pitbull named Isis will do what? Again, NOTHING, It doesn't matter. Everything about our personal lives is classified as 'trivial.' Being adopted from Russia barely even effects me. So why the Hell would it effect anyone in a class that I have for an hour twice a week? It doesn't. Knowing even the most important things in my life causes no effect to anyone including my teacher. 
   <<<<<<This is Isis. The more you know,
                                                                                           She's pretty hot, huh?

No one really cares about the things I have to say. 
I can almost guarantee you that no one is going to care if I told them I worked in a grocery store. Don't believe me? Ask yourself this, "Do I honestly care that this stranger collects vintage Vans shoes?" Do you? Probably not, 50% of the time we only pay attention to people that we think we can benefit from in the future. For instance, someone we are attracted to, or someone who's father is a billionaire. I don't know about you, but if I found out that someone in this class was an heir to a billionaire I might just stick a little bit closer to them. (joking of course...kinda) Although I feel this way, that doesn't go to say that I don't pay attention to people when they are talking about their personal lives. For instance, I know that the chick in the back of the classroom owns cats and I know that the the boy behind me, Wong?...Whang?...Something like that, he pays close attention to detail. So, it's not that I don't pay attention, I just know that when this semester ends it will make no difference if I knew those things or not. All that trivial information will most likely be erased from my brain as i'm sleeping anyways. Why? Because those facts don't matter. Tell you what, If the cute kid at the upper right corner of the class tells us that he's a serial killer, I'll go ahead and care enough to keep that as a note in the back of my head.  

My personality changes by the minute.
Sometimes my personality will change just from the last movie I watched. If I just got done watching Lords of Dogtown, then you'll see me all pumped up ready to skate! If I just got done watching If I Stay, I will most likely be locked up in my bedroom with a book because I'm depressed after watching that evil sadistic movie. (SIDE NOTE: Haven't watched either of those movies yet? Do it, they're both on Netflix!) One week I might be really stressed out which will turn me into your typical cynical teenage girl. Another week I might be looking forward to to an upcoming event which might make me more optimistic. (SIDE NOTE: "Falling prey to these unconscious biases can have a lasting affect on your relationship too, as gathering more information about the person, in most cases, will only serve to reinforce our original, biased judgment."- Jory Mackay. I added this is in as a side note for you for a specific reason, If you meet me and i'm not in the best of moods, please do not assume I will always be like that. It was probably caused from events that took place that day.)
"Our bodies are constants and our personalities are ever changing variables that are effected by the events that take place in our lives." -Maddie Bright
(this is me) ^^^^
<<<<If I Stay

<<<<<<Lords of Dogtown 

I realize that some people might see this and might think,
 "Wow, what a pessimist, just do the assignment. You OBVIOUSLY just don't want to put in the work." 
I probably would be thinking around the same thing if I had just read this, But that is not why I wrote it this way. I love to write, I truly do. I'm not trying to get out of an assignment or anything like that. But you can only do something you hate so many times before you snap. This is a pet peeve that has been building since the third grade. Every year for 10 years a teacher has told me, 
'Write about who you are.' I would pour my heart out on 6 or 7 pages only to realize how unimportant and unappreciated all my hard work was.  Anther kid would come up and hand in one singular paragraph and get exactly the same grade as me. So, stick a fork in me, because I am done. YES, I know that this wasn't the assignment, and to that comment I formally invite you to bite me. I will also encourage you to look a little bit closer at everything you have just read. You actually did learn quite a bit about me. You learned about my ADHD, my animals, where I work, where I came from, my favorite movies, and my hobbies. I know it most likely will make no difference, because most teachers are quite bull headed and believe in their syllabus's more so than a bible, but for any teacher reading this, STOP TELLING US TO WRITE ABOUT OURSELVES! 

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