Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rainbows, Bad Words, and Drugs

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Not quite familiar with the Bill of Rights?! Check this out and then continue reading! 

My freedoms are clearly stated in the Bill of Rights. Being from Russia and all, I feel as if I should care more about my 'freedoms' as an American. In all honesty...I really don't feel strongly either way about it. I am happy about the rights that we were given, but I guess I wouldn't really mind if they took a few of them away.

Freedom of Religion, Press, Speech, Assembly and Petition. 
I can see where the first amendment would be the most important to some people. I think that if I had choose one that I am most effected by, it would be this one. I enjoy being able to choose what I believe in. I'm not religious. My family made me go to church when I was little. But around the age of ten I had decided that going to church and living for God didn't make you a good person. What makes you a good person is doing the right things without having to have motivation to do so. Killing someone shouldn't classified as a 'sin.' It should be classified as something wrong. It should be classified as a morally wrong act that will negatively effect people for the rest of their lives. I'm getting distracted.
I enjoy the fact that I can say what I please.
(With a few exceptions...SIDE NOTE: don't run into a building and yell fire. Won't end too well for you buddy. Unless you realllllly like Orange is the New Black )

In reality though, if we suddenly changed the bill of rights and took out the freedom of speech, I don't think I would mind. So I can't curse in public because it's offensive to children? Yeah I can understand that. I can't walk up to someone I don't know and tell them that they are a living abortion? Yeah, I totally get that. No big deal. I don't really talk in public anyway.
Petitioning? Yeah...I don't have time for that, but thank you to all the people that do.
Thanks for helping with he whole racism/slave thing, that was actually really annoying.
Thanks for making women (a little) more equal.
Thanks for making sure people (kinda) accept gay people.
(For all those protesters out there, next goal should be cheaper college, cool...thanks.) 

Right to Bear Arms. 

I was talking to this guy from England recently and when I asked if him about America, he told me that everyone is obsessed with the fact that we can have guns.  Yeah I don't care about guns. If you took that right away from us it would not effect me one little bit.

No Quartering Soldiers
... I guess i'm glad I don't have a random stranger living with me. Quite honestly though, I, again, wouldn't mind it too much. This person just fought a war for me...
Yeah he can sleep on my sofa and eat my Campbell's chicken noodle soup. 

Unreasonable Search and Seizures. 
If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.
If someone had a bomb at my school and some police officers came around and wanted to check my backpack, I wouldn't argue. They're just doing their jobs. If some police officers thought I was doing drugs and they randomly wanted to check my house, I wouldn't deny them access. I know that I don't do anything illegal, and after they look around they will know that as well. If I can help make a police officers job easier, i'll do it.

Right to Due Process of Law, Freedom From Self-incrimination, Double Jeopardy.
I guess I won't care about this one until it effects me in some way. I am happy that if I got in trouble for something I could get a fair trial.

Right to a Speedy (and public) Trial. do I feel about this? I am grateful that I won't sit in jail for years over something that I might or might not have done. Yeah that's pretty cool.

Right to a Trail by Jury in a Civil Case.
This could go either way... I am not sure if I really trust average American citizens enough to make an educated opinion. On the other hand, having one person decide everything on their own would be even scarier.

Freedom From Excessive Bail/ Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
I can see where this would be nice. I wouldn't want my judge to be like, oh you were speeding, here eat a bucket of spiders and we'll call it all good.

Other Right's of the People.
This covers a large grey area of our rights. So thanks, yeah this is cool for all of those nasty little in-betweens.

Powers Reserved by the States. 
This one I really enjoy. Basically, it is saying that every state can make up their own laws. Good for them. Arizona, you want to make it illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub? Alright, that's cool. You go ahead and do that.

So that's where I stand on my freedoms. I don' really care all that much. I am grateful that they are there, but it would kill me if they weren't. 

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