Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Hardest Button to Press

        The Delete Key 
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Deleting things is very hard for me. 
I realized this about a year ago. 
While scrolling through my phone I came across an old friend of mine's number. Mikey Campbell.
Mikey passed away a little over two years ago. As I was staring down at my phone screen I found that I didn't know what to do. I kept thinking about all of the times that he called me at 1 am saying things that I should have paid closer attention to. All these memories of that crazy kid kept flowing through my head. 
I felt like if I deleted his number it would be like me officially accepting that he was gone. No, i'm not crazy, I know how death works. But never the less, I couldn't bring myself to delete the number. I knew that once it was gone, it was gone forever. I now have a few numbers in my phone that I am having the same issue with. 
It took me getting a new phone to get rid of my grandfathers (deceased)  and ex boyfriends number. 
Same thing goes for pictures as well. 
It took me about a year to delete all of the pictures on my phone of my ex. 
Because I know that after I deleted those, the memories would slowly fade and eventually go away all together. 
It's not that I mind forgetting's just knowing that I would have to let go of something that I at one point loved. 
It's much harder then expected. 

Don't believe me? 
Here's a little challenge for you. Go through your phone and delete one contact from your phone. There is at least one contact in there that you don't need anymore. Someone who you either don't need to get in contact with, or someone you can't get in contact with. 
You might be able to do it with ease.
But trust me...when you have that delete that 
one person in your life that 
you aren't ready to stop loving...then it's going to be much harder. 

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