Thursday, October 1, 2015

Social Media

Social Media 

I love social media.
 You will never find me without a phone in my hand. 
It is the first thing I do when I wake up and the last thing I do before I go to bed. I always have to know what's going on with Facebook, and who is posting what on Instagram. 
(Personally, I am not a fan of Twitter. The only time you'll ever see me on Twitter is if I am stalking a new crush or something along those lines.I MEAN..WHAT?! I DON'T DO THAT?!) 

Back to my point, I love social media. Without it, I wouldn't know anything that is going on around me. Facebook is usually where I get all of my news from. When I was in high school I would come home and turn on the news to find out what was going on locally. Now that my days go from 7 am-10 pm I don't really have time to turn on the news and waste an hour watching kittens being rescued from trees. When I go on Facebook, I can scroll for about 3 minutes and find out all of the new things that are currently happening. It is exactly what I need! It saves me time and energy. 

Without Facebook I wouldn't know about elections, events, important issues, or anything along those lines. Honestly, I most likely would have no opinion on Donald Trump if it wasn't for people posting about it. 
I would most likely miss important dates because I would forget to look up information about them. 

I wouldn't have any understanding about any issues that were currently going on around the world. 

I am absolutely obsessed with Tumblr. I can tell you any popular ongoing jokes that are told throughout the site. I think I am up to about 400,000 followers now. Tumblr has become my very own
 counselor. If I am sad, or upset, I just scroll through there and it changes the way I am feeling or thinking. Sometimes,  I just look up the hashtag of whatever I am feeling and wallow in it for a little while. I'm not sure why, but occasionally it makes me feel better. 

Instagram is another social media that I am absolutely addicted too. (BEACH_GLASS_BLUE ....FOLLOW ME) 
Instagram let's me stay connected with brands and all of my skateboarding connections. Oh my gosh, if you ever want to be a pro skateboarder you absolutely must have an Instagram.  To be a pro at any extreme sport Instagram is a must. (Hallofmeat is a funny one to follow. It is not as weird as it
probably sounds.) Instagram is important because many recruiters are actually discovering people using that app. That is why it is always important to show off your best tricks on there. You never know who will be viewing. I can not get enough of that app, it constantly keeps me entertained. 

I use a few other apps, but Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram are my main ones. Very rarely I will go on Pintrest. I haven't quite figured out how that application works. Now that site has been
taken over by middle-aged women. Not that that is a bad thing, it just makes it harder for me to relate to the content. 

Oh, I almost forgot about Snapchat! Snapchat is cool, but now that I am in college, I find it very hard to care about what all these kids in high school are doing. Also, Snapchat requires me to take the time
to stop and record what I am doing. I believe that the best moments in our lives aren't recorded. They just happen. So I don't really use that application much anymore.

HAHA okay there is one last social media application that I like.
 (This one I am not proud of, so don't judge me)
I have fallen victim Tinder. No, I am not one of those people that goes on there to hook up with people. I just enjoy judging awful as that sounds. I only go on this app when I am really bored and there is absolutely nothing else to do. So, if you haven't ever been on Tinder, it is basically a site where you judge people on a profile and a few pictures that they post. You can either vote them up, or you can rate them down. If you rate them up and they also rate you up, then you can chat with them. I've never responded to anyone on that site, but apparently it is a very common place to I think it would be really sketchy to meet a stranger that you met online. How do you know that they aren't totally lying about who they are? They could be a murderer or...or a Republican or something?! Haha, no, I am totally joking, no disrespect.

I think those are all of the main ones that I go on. Without these social media apps, I would be lost. I wouldn't know anything that is going on around me. I would be the most uncultured swine to ever walk the Earth. I am thankful for all of the wonderful apps that were created because they make my life much easier and convenient. So thanks all you creative people that got lucky and made amazing things! You're all awesome! 

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