Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dear English:

                                                       Read Until the End. 

  Click here for my feeling about this post put into a song.

            Creativity is a wonderful thing. It separates the boring from the unique. Quite frankly, I don't like people who aren't creative. 
        I absolutely hate people that look at things and say, nah I'm not good at that, i'm not going to try. If it's mountain climbing or skydiving then I can see where the risks outweigh the pros. But in general, get your act together. 

          Back to my point about creativity. GET YOUR OWN. I'm all for helping people with things that need help with. However, if you use my ideas without my permission, then I get really ticked off. I try extraordinarily hard to guarantee that everything I either write or create is unique. 

        For example, my blog posts are purposely set up much different than my other classmates blog. I often use listing, or bullet points. I do this to avoid the classic structures of MLA format. I think it makes for a much more interesting read. Plus I hate when I look at someone else's art and see my own within it. I also change the prompts enough so that the information given in my posts is much different than others. It takes me a good while to sit down and plan out how I am going to write my posts, what pictures I am going to include, and the content in which I will share. 

        Again, I don't mind if people look at my blog for an example, but when they decided to just copy my ideas I get really dissapointed. Especially when it's more than one blog post that has been posted. The sentences are similar, the unique opinions are similar, the structure is exactly the same, and the subject matter is exactly the same. If it was anything other than writing, I wouldn't be as upset. But quite frankly, i'm a little cheesed off. 
       It would be very different if it was only one thing that they were copying. But no, it's multiple things on multiple posts. I'd be happy to help anyone from my class with blog posts. Just email me at and I will help you with whatever you need. 

Don't just use my ideas and claim that they are your own.

Don't copy my opinions and pretend like you just came up with them on the spot. 

Don't pretend like you care about the political parties on Facebook. 

Don't pretend like you feel the same way about praise as I do. I have very specific reasons why I feel the way I do about the things I do.

Don't pretend like you came up with listing all the Amendments in a row because you didn't want to write about what you think freedom is. 

Don't pretend like you don't care about your own personal freedoms. You clearly copied my opening statement and reason for writing in bullet points because you later on go to explain that you do have strong opinions about your freedoms.

Don't pretend like you thought of listing out all of the social medias and separating them into categories by how much you use them.

Don't post "Don't tear them down, build 

them up and give them options.What I'm 

really trying to say is set the example of 

not giving up easily and work hard and 

show your little mini-me what mommy or 

daddy can really do and what they can do 

in the future. If one doesn't work out 

then they have some other option to turn to. " and pretend like that isn't just 
my opinion reworded!!

Don't post "Kids now a days will listen to anything you say and take it to heart." AND AGAIN PRETEND LIKE THOSE ARE YOUR OWN WORDS! 


Anyways...I know you'll read this because I know you'll be looking at my blog for your next post. 
SO....hope you learned something. If you need help with something, ask. It's not the story of your life actually, it's the story of mine. If you copy me again I am going to formally invite you to square up. 
-Madeleine Bright

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