Monday, August 31, 2015

Body Language

Body Language can tell us a lot about how someone is feeling.  

For instance, if you see someone with their arms crossed, that could mean that they are feeling a bit closed off at the moment. If you see someone rolling their eyes, that could mean that they are frustrated or put off by something around them. (Or they're listening to Donald Trump ramble on about immigration) Most body language is quite self explanatory and is easy to read. 
However, there is one specific type of body language that everyone seems to have a hard time reading correctly. That body language is the body language that signals that someone is attracted to you. 
Trying to figure out if someone is flirting with you is like trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing. You can lick your finger and stick it in the air, but let's be honest, you have no idea if the wind is coming from the North, South, East or West. It's the same with dating.
 'Well they're being really nice and they seem to like me, but what if they're just really friendly?' 
Well here are some things that will help you diagnose your current relationship. 
(Side note: If you're reading this and thinking, 'hmm... I do that all the time to a specific person', perhaps you should dig a little deeper into your current feelings towards whomever this person may be)

Well there are many things that people will do when they find another person 'attractive.' A big one for guys is that they will sit up straighter and puff out there chest a little bit. Guys are sort of like animals, they want to look as big and manly as they possibly can. It goes all the way back to those theories you read about in third grade about humans coming from apes. I can neither support or deny that theory, but I can tell you this. When a male gorilla wants to attract a female gorilla he stands up and looks as tall and as big as possible in order for her to see him as a first choice partner.When a human male is attracted to a female he will very    subtly sit up straighter to appear taller. See any similarities?  

While men try to point out their masculine features, women try to pull men's attention to their more feminine features, such as their cleavage, their hair, their legs, and even their neck. 
Girls will either play with their hair or cross their legs, or sometimes they will tilt their heads in order for the male to notice their delicate neck.  

However, not every sign is as hard to read and a subtle head tilt. Some of it just requires a little attention to detail. 
Do they look you in the eye when you're speaking? 
Do they laugh at your jokes when no one else does? 
Do they randomly touch your shoulder or arm?
 Does she giggle and fidget with what she's wearing?
 Does he fix his clothes and hair constantly when he's around you? 
Most of the time, if there's a mutual attraction you will be able to tell almost immediately. 

Here's a weird thing to look out for! Wrists! Most people keep their wrists tucked towards them as a sign of vulnerability control. Schizophrenic people will walk with their wrists and palms faced completely away from people just for that little bit of extra protection. So, you will notice once you get to know someone better and they start trusting you a little bit more they will start showing you more glimpses of their wrists.   

Watch where their feet are pointed! Studies have shown that you can tell what a person is attracted to by which way their feet are pointed. If they are directly pointed to you that means that they are fully engaged into what you are saying or doing! 

Watch their eyes! If a mans pupils are dilated that is a great sign that he is attracted and interested in what he is currently looking at. Same goes with girls! 

Watch their movements! If they are mirroring you, that is another sign that they like you! 

((((Getting the feels from this post? Here's a fun song to listen too if you feel the feels>>>>>>  ))))

Watch girls lips! When girls are attracted to you they will try to pull your attention to what they want you to notice! If they bite their lips or touch their mouths a lot they might be secretly asking for you to kiss them. (BUT MAKE SURE IT NOT JUST A COINCIDENCE! YOU JUST MIGHT GET PUNCHED IN THE JAW IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL.)   

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Helping or Hurting

 Everyone always talks about what it's like to live with depression, but what is it like to live with a loved one that suffers from depression? 

How do you help someone who refuses to be helped? 

How do you keep someone happy when all they want to be is sad? 

       Some people have a permanent raincloud that is in constant hover above their heads. Psychology Today states, "Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you." Perhaps that is why it is so hard to get some people to understand that life isn't as bad as they think it is. At some point in your life you've probably heard a mother or father tell you to stray away from negative people. Why do your parents tell you this? Well believe it or not, it's not because your parents hate you and strive to make your life more miserable. It is because humans are a species that develop the traits of those who we spend time with. Naturally, our first instinct is to disagree. People generally like to think of themselves as individuals. But mimicking others is in our nature as human beings. In fact, it's been proven that people that are attracted to each other will mimic each others gestures. For example, if one leans to the left, the other will also lean to the left. If one person coughs, the other one might in a few minutes. (It's a fun thing to watch for on your next date.) But just like on a date, you will also tend to naturally mimic those around you emotionally. This is exactly why your parents tell you to stay away from 'troublemakers,' or people with 'problems.' But what happens when the person with a problem is someone that you really care about? 
Have you ever known anyone that struggles with depression? It's like loving a shadow of who that person used to be. Have you ever had someone you love tell you that they don't want to live anymore? It's like getting hit the the chest with a brick. You start thinking about all of the things that you could have done to make them feel that way. You start trying everything in your power to help them. If your efforts make no difference towards their attitude it makes you feel even worse. You feel helpless. It breaks your heart to see someone you care about not care about themselves. It's as if while you're trying to put them back together they're ripping you apart in the process. 
It's hard for others to understand why you still associate with that person. They don't understand why you try so hard to help someone that doesn't want your help. But for a lot of people, the answer is simply fear. The fear of 'what if.' 
What if you did stop caring? 
What if you did give up on trying? 
Either one of two things would happen. 
A. They will be fine and fix themselves through self motivation.
B. They won't get better and you will have to live with the fact that you could have done more to help them and didn't. But now it's too late. Because they're gone. 
There is no black and white simple solution. 
They are constantly on your mind. 
How can I make them feel better today? 
How can I make them happier? 
How can I help them? 
If I did something, would it change anything?
 It's like swimming in an ocean with the current constantly pushing against you. You go nowhere and you're constantly tired. Living with Depression is hard. 
But, living with someone who is depressed is just as hard.
