Monday, November 23, 2015


What makes a great movie? 
            Well i'd like to start off by saying that I really don't enjoy movies. If my friends say they want to watch a movie I yell at them. Why? Because if you're in a group of people that you care about why would you want to sit there in silence and watch other people have fun? Why not go out and do something fun? Socialize. Interact with each other. 

            But, when I have down time to myself, I have found myself enjoying a certain genre of movie. I usually like romances. I'm a secret sap. I love watching others fall in love. Usually a movie that I would consider enjoyable also includes a sad ending. In an article I read, it suggested that we enjoy movies that we can relate to. Well, I don't really love anyone, but I know someday I want to. So, I guess that's why I enjoy romances. A lot of movies I like also involve people being sick, or people making hard choices. Again, something i'm quite familiar with.

If I Stay 
(My all time favorite movie) 
"Life changes in an instant for young Mia Hall after a car accident puts her in a coma. During an out-of-body experience, she must decide whether to wake up and live a life far different than she had imagined. The choice is hers if she can go on." (IMDB)
“I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.” 

“I'm not choosing, but I'm running out of fight.” 

― Gayle FormanIf I Stay ...ugh this quote though.

“I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It’s okay 

if you have to leave us. It’s okay if you want to stop fighting.” 

“I have a feeling that once you live through something like 

this, you become a little bit invincible.” 

A Little Bit of Heaven 
"An irreverent young woman who uses her humor to prevent matters from getting serious has a life-changing visit with her doctor." (IMDB)

Marley: "As I haven't found the right guy yet."
Vinnie: "Oh sh*t, who wouldn't want a girl like you?
You, are just afraid to let them in 
because if you do and they reject you
it is the worst than death."

Bride and Prejudice
"Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice gets a Bollywood treatment." (IMDB)

Crazy, Stupid, Love 
"A middle-aged husband's life changes dramatically when his wife asks him for a divorce. He seeks to rediscover his manhood with the help of a newfound friend, Jacob, learning to pick up girls at bars." (IMDB)

These are the movies that I could watch a million times without getting bored. In the article we read, they also mentioned that in order to enjoy a move, characters that you felt a connection to were important. 
I totally agree with that! 
I love movies that show me something that I want. 
In If I Stay, the main character, Mia, has this amazing family that supports her in whatever she does. She falls in love and has a seemingly perfect life. 
A Little Bit of Heaven relates to me in a way that i'd rather not talk about. I love the fact that the movie ends the way it's supposed to. There is no magical cure. The movie is not considered happy or sad. No one really changes what they do because you're sick. Life continues on. Great lesson in there somewhere.

To be honest,  I like Bride and Prejudice just because Jane Austin always writes amazing love stories. Seeing the Indian version was really interesting. All of the colors and dancing makes for a fun watch. 

Crazy, Stupid, Love is a funny romantic comedy. I love this movie because it makes you happy, sad, and amused at the same time. It's just an epic love story that shows that no matter how bad things get, it can still end up okay in the end. Just because people don't end up the way you expected, that doesn't mean everything just ends.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

20 Years of Advice and Almost Nothing to Show for it.

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Click Here For Music 

Click Here For a 
Creepy Adorable

      Throughout my years I have received plenty of good and bad advice. 
Surprisingly, a lot of the bad advice has come from my parents, and a lot of the good advice has come from some of my close friends. Seems backwards, does it not?
Bless my poor parents hearts. They tried, but advice was never really their forte. 
The most recent advice my step-adoptive father thing told me was to (excuse my language) screw everyone else and to just pay attention to me. He told me that everyone else is going to hate me, and that I had to look out for me and me only. 
He meant well. I know he did. But in the end, I don't want to live that way. It was a prefect example of the "Parents are People too," argument.
All of my parents "advice" is along those lines.
I remember when I was little, my parents told me that people weren't going to like me if I didn't change my personality. I was around 10 at the time, and I wasn't the happiest kid. I never really talked to anyone. This is what they were referring to by my "personality." I knew what they meant. I needed to talk and not look miserable all the time if I wanted to make friends. But things like that sort of tainted my thought about receiving advice form others. Growing up I remember thinking that people weren't going to like me because of who I was naturally, and I find that that still affects me today. 
I don't really ask my adoptive mom for advice. I'll talk to her about my problems, but I don't ever ask for her opinion on how I should handle them. Another thing I have learned over the years is that when she gives advice, the outcome will benefit her more than it will benefit me. The rare times that I do take her advice, things usually don't end up going too well for me. In the video we watched, JK Rowling says this,
"I do not blame my parents for their point of view, there is an expire date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction."
I believe that that date comes when you start making decisions for yourself. So now if I mess up, I know is no ones fault but my own.
I never really ask anyone for advice. 
People will give me advice, but for the most part, I just do what I feel I need to. If I mess up, oh well. Such is life. 

As much as I believe in taking your own advice, there have been some pieces of advice I've either heard, read, or seen that have stuck with me. 
One thing that someone told me a long time ago was to never make any rash decisions late at night. People tend to feel worse at night. Physically and emotionally.
Click Here to Read an Interesting Discussion on Why We Feel More Depressed at Night 
I find myself using this advice quite often. One of my friends will text me late at night saying that they are sad and my response is always the same. 
Sleep. Everything is better after sleep. 
If I'm laying in bed and I want to give up on something, I know that I have to wait until the next morning to officially make up my mind. That way I will be thinking clearly. 
The next piece of advice I live by is something that I discovered by myself when I was around 12 or 13. 
When I was in grade school kids were always really mean to me over stupid things like my glasses, or the fact that I was really short. But I never was mean to other kids. My teacher always would ask me why I didn't just treat them the way they treated me. My response was always the same, and still is. 
What if that child goes home everyday and cries themselves to sleep? 
What if their home life is miserable? 
Maybe the only thing that is keeping them sane is knowing that they aren't at the bottom of the social chain. If they want to call me a mean name so that they feel a little bit better for a while, so be it. That might be the only thing that they like in their lives right now. 
So the advice I would tell myself was to treat everyone like they just had the worst day of their lives. 
You don't know what people are going through. 
Yeah, you think that suicide joke you told during class was funny? Well the kid sitting in the corner of the classroom that has been contemplating wether or not he deserves to live didn't find it as funny. 
You think that fat joke was pretty clever, huh? 
Well, that girl you just made fun of goes home and sticks her fingers down her throat in hopes that one day, just maybe, she will be happy with the way she looks. 

The other piece of advice that I love is one that is simple and to the point. 
Generosity is the most important thing we have to offer. Let go of the things you don't need.
I don't remember where I heard this. It was around freshmen year. I don't think this means giving a homeless man a hundred dollar bill and call it a day. Generosity is going to the store and buying that man food. Generosity is putting others above yourself. It is something that this generation is seriously lacking. No one wants to give up the things they have. Everyone wants to have as much as they can possible get. 
If someone I know needs something, I will do whatever I need to to make sure they get it. Wether they need someone to talk to, or someone to drive them home at 3 am. I'll be there. 
I have gained many things in my life simply by being selfless and generous. 
Most of the advice that I live by is common knowledge. 
They aren't hard things to remember.
Don't make important decisions without sleeping on them first, treat people like they have just had the worst day of their lives, and don't forget to be generous. 

Maybe Just for Today (messing around with some freestyle writing)

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Click this for music 

Let me share with you a little story.

It's about a girl who fell in love with a broken boy.
Sometimes in order to fix something,
 something else becomes broken in the process.
This is exactly what happened.
As she was putting him back together, he was ripping her apart.

Not on purpose,
and she didn't mind it.
All she knew was that she wanted to fix him.

Nothing was right, but it was working.

But every time something on him was fixed,
something on her broke.
"But that's okay," She would say to herself.
"He's getting better. That's what matters."
She said this everyday.
Sometimes with a smile.
Sometimes in tears.

But it didn't matter because he was getting better. 
He was becoming whole again. 

Months passed. 
He was healing. 
His wounds were becoming scars.
But her scars were starting to bleed. 
It was time for him to fix her. 
But she knew he couldn't do that. 
He's not strong enough for the both of them.
...and now...neither is she...

Innocence was the key 
 She fell in love with a broken boy
 She wanted to set him free 
 She wanted to bring him joy

He wanted someone
 But he didn't want her
 He didn't know what he'd begun
 The next months were a blur

Every minute was for him
 But his broken eyes couldn't see
 Loving him was grim 
 But she couldn't leave him be

As she was fixing his heart 
 He was tearing her apart

Just messing around with some writing! Let me know what you think if you read it please :)